Official Rules

By registering in this program you are acknowledging, accepting and agreeing to the following rules and regulations as listed in the Miss American Teen International Pageant Rules and Regulations and Code of Conduct, which includes the following:

  1. Applying to represent your state, country or regional title, or winning your state title at a state/province or regional pageant, is a commitment to attending the International Pageant and assuming all responsibility for doing so, including payment of fees and timely submission of all payment and paperwork by the deadlines established by the Miss American Teen International Pageant.

  2. Miss American Teen International Pageant, as well as the International Director, are not responsible for payments sent to independent state directors, and will not be responsible for any gifts, awards or prizes forfeited by state directors or sponsors.

  3. All fees paid to Miss American Teen International Pageant are non-refundable and non-transferable. No refunds are provided for any reason including, but not limited to, payments made on behalf of the delegate by advertisers and sponsors and any and all fees paid to Miss American Teen International Pageant by delegates, supporters, sponsors, or advertisers.  In the case an event is postponed, a credit will be provided to the subsequent replacement event.

  4. Miss American Teen International Pageant reserves the right to change the date, location, and competition details of the International Pageant at its discretion.

  5. The Miss American Teen International Pageant official crown and sash shall be worn together at all times for all public appearances and photographs. No other sash or crown, other than the official Miss American Teen International Pageant crown and sash, may be worn when representing your title with the Miss American Teen International Pageant. No substitutions will be allowed.

  6. State/Province titleholders who won their titles at a state preliminary pageant must meet the obligations of their preliminary pageant.

  7. International winners will be required to sign an International titleholder appearance contract, which does not include a Non-Compete clause.

  8. Delegates and their parents/guardians give permission for photographs, videos, or audio tape to be used for promotional and publicity purposes in print media as well as the internet, and without renumeration.

  9. Miss American Teen International Pageant is not responsible for prizes forfeited by sponsors.

  10. Delegates with an outstanding balance must pay their balance in full in order to compete at the International competition, receive production wardrobe, and participate in registration at Miss American Teen International Pageant.

  11. International titleholders will receive compensation for their appearances and a prize package upon signing the official Miss American Teen International Pageant appearance contract.

  12. A NSF fee of $35 will be assessed to any returned or uncollected checks received, and other penalties will be charged as stated in the Code of Conduct.


  • All delegates must be anatomically female, never married and never had a child.

  • All delegates must be of good moral standing.

  • All delegates must be between the ages of 4 and 22 as of the starting date of the International pageant. .

Your participation in the Miss American Teen International Pageant indicates that you agree to all the rules and regulations set forth by our program without regard to whether your, or your child's name, appears on the written agreements.

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