"Tag A Queen"
CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to apply for a Participation Scholarship to the Miss American Teen International Pageant! This is an opportunity to represent your state or country of heritage in this annual celebration of girls and young women across the Americas.
So, tell us all about yourself -- and don't be humble, this opportunity is worth the chance to receive a scholarship to attend Internationals. Get a glam photo ready and show us that you've got what it takes to be a queen! Scholarships of $600 are being awarded to the first 10 qualifying delegates.* A limited number of full scholarships are also being awarded.
Applying for the scholarship requires three simple steps:
(1) Use your application essay (below) to tell us why you deserve to win a scholarship. What are you doing in your school or community? How would you represent your title for the next year? What are you most proud of about your heritage (if applying for a country title)?
(2) Upload a "pageant style" headshot photo of yourself to be reviewed by our judges, and
(3) Participate in a friendly interview to discuss your application, if requested.
Guidelines for Photo Submission:
Photo must be a Headshot (head/shoulders). Face must be visible and dominant in the photo. Good lighting needed; do not overly edit the photo, but should be appropriate for publication (no selfies).
Backgrounds must be white or light colored and not distract from the portrait.
Photo must be recent with no other persons present or obviously cropped out.
Photo must be of you (or your child, if they are under 18). Please do not submit entries for family members or friends without their knowledge.
Photo should be in color only.
Please do not submit crown/banner photos, or any photos with hats, scarves, or accessories other than earrings and a necklace.
Note:* All entries are subject to Eligibility Rules. Applicants may purchase an optional crown and sash for $200, if they wish. Delegates will compete in competition style sashes, which are free of charge. All Registrations for the pageant are managed on our promotional website, www.JoinMissAmericanTeen.com The regular registration fee is $800. After applying the scholarship, the fee will be $200.. All optional competitions are included and each delegate receives a complimentary fun fitness outfit for the competition.
Be sure to read the "Tag-A-Queen" Rules below.
Applicants under the age of 18 must be registered by a parent or legal guardian.
Pageant Participation Scholarship

"Tag-A-Queen" Rules
Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements under the Miss American Teen International Official Rules. Employees of Miss American Teen Scholarship Pageant, Inc., Sponsors, and other associated companies, and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates and advertising and promotion agencies as well as the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings, and children) and household members of each such employee are not eligible. This application is subject to federal, state, and local laws and regulations. All entries must be submitted via the online application.
Being selected for receipt of a participation scholarship is contingent upon being compliant with and fulfilling all other requirements set forth herein, including required purchases. All participants in the International Pageant must provide their own competition wardrobe as outlined in the Delegate Handbook, and will be required to pay the cost of travel to the pageant venue, lodging expenses, meals and incidentals. There is no cash value associated with this scholarship, and winners will not be paid cash in lieu of participation. Paid Sponsorships are used to fund this Participation Scholarship.
Winners may be notified by email. Each potential winner (parent/legal guardian if a minor) will be required to complete, sign and submit the Rules and Regulations, Code of Conduct and Model Release within five (5) days of the date notice or attempted notice is sent in order to claim the scholarship. If a potential winner cannot be contacted, or fails to submit the require agreements within the required time period (if applicable), or notice is returned as undeliverable, potential winner forfeits prize. Scholarships are being provided by Miss American Teen Scholarship Pageant, Inc., a IRS recognized charity organized under the 501(c)(3) regulations.